SOURCE: Loadmaster (David R. Tribble). Creative Commons.

You Are Not Smarter Than a Kumquat if,

Gary Wells
2 min readAug 10, 2021

· You criticize Simone Biles while needing a step ladder to reach the balance beam.

· You believe that feeding a cold will cure covid.

· You think being governor gives you a free pass. [You must be President for that.] [See almost any recent article with “Cuomo” in the headline.]

· You think everything bad that happens is always someone else’s fault. [Just listen to Margaritaville all the way through to clear this up.]

· As governor, a legislator, or even a regular citizen you think you’re right on everything. [see this or this or probably a gazillion other sites.]

· You think facts are negotiable.

· You don’t think there can be a twist on Fox News. [To make sense of this you must read this.]

· You think pretending history doesn’t exist exempts you from repeating it.

· You think covid is passed along only by others, especially along the U.S./Mexico border.

· You think hopelessly complicated conspiracy theories happen all the time. [If you do, grab your special pillow and sleep on it.]

· You think that a scientist being wrong gives you a free pass to do any damn thing you want.

· You, as Florida’s governor, build a wall and stand with your back against it.

· You accept the following as justification to have a party with 700,000 invited to attend — “I expect that when you have a virus and a pandemic that is expanding, you’re going to have increased numbers, whether we have a party here or not,” Woodruff told The Post.

· You think Sherlock Holmes doesn’t know pee happens. [From the case of a new dog, a locked room in an older house, and a puddle on the floor.]

· You think tomorrow’s weather and tomorrow’s weather forecast are the same thing.



Gary Wells

Retired economist and newbie news satirist predominantly using raw beginners “haiku” that do little justice to this elegant Japanese poetry form.